Phillip J Anderson, author of The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking, was interviewed on Sky News Business Australia’s programme Switzer (15th September 2010). Phil discusses the book, the current state of the property cycle and what this means for investors, and explains the importance of David Ricardo.

On The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking

‘If you think economics is boring, you haven’t met the real pirates of the Caribbean yet. Phil Anderson’s recently published book The Secret Life of Real Estate is both exciting and timely. It provides detailed insight on how the addiction to land speculation became the foundation of the United States of America.’
Prosper Australia

‘This is an exciting, important and timely work; it will sell well. Anderson has ferreted out and marshaled dozens of sources on the 18-year cycle of boom and bust in real estate, its history, its mechanics, and its dynamics. Some sources are old and neglected; some are current and neglected; but after Anderson it will be hard for macro-economists to continue neglecting them. He melds the dramatic skills of a raconteur with the industry of a scholar and the discipline of a field marshal, to keep readers wide awake while they follow and most likely accept Anderson’s take on economic history.’
Professor Mason Gaffney, University of California

Visit Phil’s Website at